Protection for Empaths Crystal Set


Set of crystals for empaths featuring 1 Dumortierite, 1 Angelite and 1 Amazonite, 1 Smoky Quartz, and 1 Onyx tumble gemstone. Combined, these gemstones are perfect for empaths because they can assist with life stresses, help to calm and protect you, whilst remaining joyful.

Your crystal set will be intuitively chosen and will be similar to those pictured.

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Dumortierite is a mentally calming crystal which can ease stress, anxiety, phobias, fear, insomnia, and depression. It is the perfect stone for our modern world as it assists with organisation, and allows you to focus on the task at hand, even when you are overwhelmed with work.

Angelite, also known as Blue Anhydrite is a light blue crystal which connects to the realm of angels. It does this through gently quietening your mind to allow you to perceive the angels around you. It strengthens connections with spirit guides and deepens attunement.

Amazonite is a calming and soothing stone which helps to relieve anxiety. Meditating with an Amazonite crystal and visualising any stress or negativity flowing away like a river and being replaced with soothing and refreshing energy. It can also block electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress.

Smoky Quartz is a grounding and nurturing stone. It keeps us grounded in the real world and is especially helpful for spiritual work and astral travel. It nurtures through feelings of homeliness and promotes relaxation. It connects to the Base Chakra and Earth Star Chakra, rooting us to the earth.

Onyx is best for city dwellers who can use Onyx to help them deal with crowds, overstimulation from excess noise, or pollution. Onyx can also offer protection from non-physical energies such as spirits which may be disrupting your life and it is particularly useful to keep you safe at night.

The gemstones are very high-quality natural crystals that have not been artificially coloured.



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