Calming Crystal Set


Calming tumble Crystal set featuring 1 Orange Calcite, 1 Pink Opal, 1 Lepidolite, and 1 Onyx. Combined, these gemstones can assist with stress and anxiety and help to calm and protect you.

Your crystal set will be intuitively chosen and will be similar to those pictured.

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Orange Calcite links to the lower Chakras such as the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base Chakras. It assists to balance your emotions and to alleviate fear and depression. Orange Calcite maximises the potential within your life through dissolving problems and negativity.

Pink Opal provides assistance with emotional pain through calming the Heart Chakra. It has a gentle frequency which releases stress or anxiety.

Lepidolite is a natural forming mica crystal which gets its beautiful purple colour from lithium. Lepidolite is a soothing and calming stone which can assist in times of stress as well as assisting to quieten a busy mind. It has a positive vibration which can bring positivity to you which is ideal if you are feeling anxious or depressed.

Onyx is best for city dwellers who can use Onyx to help them deal with crowds, overstimulation from excess noise, or pollution. Onyx can also offer protection from non-physical energies such as spirits which may be disrupting your life and it is particularly useful to keep you safe at night.

The gemstones are very high-quality natural crystals that have not been artificially coloured.

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